Financial Literacy

Resources for Children

Sesame Workshop (Financial Education): This resource offers a unique and engaging approach to teaching young children about money through the familiar and beloved characters of Sesame Street. The website provides interactive games, videos, and activities that introduce basic financial concepts in a fun and age-appropriate way. It's a great tool for parents to start early conversations about money with their little ones.

U.S. Mint for Kids: This website makes learning about coins and the U.S. Mint fun and interactive for elementary school children. It offers games, cartoons, and fascinating facts about U.S. currency, helping kids to understand the history and value of money.

Funbrain's Change Maker: This game is an excellent way for kids to practice their math skills and learn about handling money. They get to be a virtual cashier, making change for customers, which helps reinforce their addition and subtraction skills.

KidsMoney: This website offers a variety of games that are both entertaining and educational, focusing on different aspects of money management and financial literacy. The games are tailored to younger audiences, making learning about money a fun experience.

Kids Math Games Online (Money): This website provides a range of interactive money games that cover basic math and money skills. It's a great way for kids to learn about currency, counting money, and even running a lemonade stand.

Practical Money Skills - Cash Puzzler: This game offers a unique way to learn about U.S. banknotes. Kids can put together puzzles of different bills, helping them to recognize and understand the value of money.

Peter Pig's Money Counter: Available for both Android and Apple devices, this app introduces kids to counting and saving money in a playful environment with Peter Pig. It's an excellent tool for teaching kids the basics of money management. Download for Android or Apple